How It Works
Location Driven Land Acquisition
Identifying municipalities/locations within Florida that promote environmentally conscious development
Ex: Palm Beach County (Solar Now And Fannie Mae incentives)​
Provide community based services to the residents: Large Walkways / bike paths, Living vegetation walls / roof gardens, bundled utilities. ​​
Water reclamation systems
FreeBee ride service ​
Encourage/implement an overall healthy lifestyle through the HOA
​Higher indoor air/vent quality​​
Indoor pollutant measurements for VOCs
Pest, tobacco, radon mitigation
Thermal/acoustic comfort
Energy/water metering
Rooftop and vertical gardens for increased airflow
Electric vehicle accommodations for cleaner air (less CO2)
Stress free security systems and resident technology
Ecological Land Development
Efficient site plan design
Optimal development area (5-20 acres)
Proximity to transportation, charging stations
Construction impacts (2 paths for erosion/sedimentation, preservation of flora, high solar reflective index)
Bio-swales for bio-retention of stormwater: Recycling of stormwater for irrigation, Rain tanks for irrigation and rooftop runoff, Landscaping (native, noninvasive, edible gardens, rooftop/vertical foliage), Rooftop gardens to take in rainwater and distribute it to rain tanks​
Exterior light pollution/wetland proximity​
Biochar: a process called biomass pyrolysis takes existing trees that need to be removed and converts them into biochar that can then be upcycled.
more efficient nutrient/water uptake by existing vegetation
more efficient stormwater retention
improved soil stability and /microbial activity
reduction in eutrophication through reduced leaching of nitrogen/phosphorus
sequesters carbon for 100+ years (CO2 sink) reversing overall carbon footprint
Environmentally sensitive infrastructure
Green design (water conservation/building envelope)​
Risk assessment for climate change and extreme weather
LCCA (life cycle cost analysis): service life estimate, structural systems
Energy meters (track renewable usage)
Recycled/re-used/bio-based materials
Mitigating climate change and reducing man-made hazardous materials: Decontamination, Reliable, dependable and efficient materials (Ex: HDPE pipes)​
Vertical Construction and Home Building
Suburban and urban development
Avg. community size (50-150 homes)
Focus on workforce and upscale market-rate housing
Renewable and efficient materials utilized
Lighting/shade controls​
Solar panels on roofs
Efficiently designed roofs (high heat reflectivity)
Plumbing fixtures/washers/dishwashers with efficient water pathways (meet EPA and ANSI standards)
Rooftop gardens with water recycling for stormwater saving and irrigation
ENERGY STAR certified appliances
Efficient HVAC systems, efficient waste management (sludge, etc..)