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The parts were already there. We just needed to figure out how to piece everything together

EV Chargers
Every community will be equipped with EV chargers. These chargers are free for anyone to use no matter if they live inside or outside the SCG community. The EV chargers will be powered by solar panels in efforts to reduce our carbon footprint.

Rooftop Gardens
Rooftop gardens are implemented to not only take in rain water, but also to cool and insulate homes during the sunny days. Extra water runoff from the gardens is stored in adjacently placed rain tanks to be used later for landscape and garden irrigation on drier days.

Solar panels
Our solar concept not only powers all electricity within the homes and amenities, but it also eliminates the economic impact of the electric bill for our residents and can be used as a reliable energy source in the event of a natural hazard (i.e. hurricanes).

Smart Technology
Each home will be equipped with a built in tablet that will monitor and control: energy use, lighting, AC, security, and other household features. This technology will be provided by a partnership SCG was able to create with ADT.

Outdoor Gym
Each community will also feature an outside exercise pavilion accessible to those who live in and out of the community. Our goal is to not only build sustainable houses but also build a sustainable community.

Dog Park
Organic permeable turf (30 - 40 °F lower heat index than traditional turf) will be implemented for a central community dog park. The dog park will be available to everyone no matter if they live in or outside the community.

Rain Tanks
In partnership with Coca- Cola, extra water runoff from the gardens is stored in adjacently placed rain tanks to be used later for landscape and garden irrigation on drier days.

BioSwales & Bio Retention
Horizontal development includes energy efficient systems and environmentally friendly materials for our underground utilities and storm water retention, and landscape architecture. This is achieved by the use of Bioswales and Bioretention for recycling stormwater.

The carbon footprint associated with landscape architecture applications and tree removal will be reversed through the use of biochar. A process called biomass pyrolysis takes existing trees that need to be removed and converts them into biochar that can then be upcycled.
Construct, Conserve, Contribute
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